eDegree application

Only for students pursuing private or unofficial graduate degree studies.

What is the eDiploma?

The eDiploma is an official digital copy of your degree certificate or diploma, electronically signed. It contains a BIDI code that verifies the University’s information, and a Secure Verification Code (SVC).

When can you apply?

When your transcript appears as 'studies completed', once you have passed all the subjects, those subjects have been graded, and you have made the final payment.

How to apply

Go to the platform for certificates and degree requests.

Once you are logged in, select the language and follow the steps.

Verify your personal information

Before completing your studies, please check your personal details via the Student Portal.

  • Name and last name(s).
  • Nationality.
Select certificate and language

Select diploma for private degree or unofficial master’s degree in electronic format (€90). Then choose which language you would like to receive the certificate in:Spanish or English.


You’ll receive an email that allows you to download your eDiploma within approximately three months.