Lázzaro, the project by Carlota Corzo, MásHumano Award winner

On 26 November, the 16th MásHumano Youth Social Entrepreneurship Awards was held. The project Lázzaro by Singular Alumni Carlota Corzo was one of the winners among 20 finalists. 

The MásHumano foundation launched an award aimed at young people between the ages of 14 and 30 who, with their talent, capacity for innovation and creativity, develop solutions to the challenges set by each call, through viable and sustainable projects and ideas that respond to the real demands of people-oriented companies and organisations. 

This prize has recognised Lázzaro as a creative, innovative project with a huge social impact in terms of improving the world and the life of many people. 

The jury was formed by expert representatives from companies of the likes of Bankinter, El Corte Inglés, IBM, Madrid City Council, Arrabe Integra Asesores, Socios Inversores, Empathia and Fundación MásHumano. 

The Lázzaro project was presented with the award by Tomás Pereda, managing director of MásHumano, who took the opportunity to thank Carlota and her team for “their trust and faith in work that will leave a huge legacy for humanity”. 

At the event, Maria Teresa Pérez, managing director of Injuve, also wanted to convey a message of thanks, congratulations and motivation, sharing that “Our young people are the most valuable human capital we have as a country and it is essential that public authorities provide facilities, support and promote young talent, but also in partnership with the private sector. We need to harness that creativity, passion and desire to improve the world, especially with a social, equality-driven approach”. 

Here you can find more information about the MásHumano awards. 

Furthermore, below you can watch the full video of the MásHumano Youth Social Entrepreneurship Awards ceremony.