Learn about the REUCSE project

Enrique Escuer is the founder of REUCSE, a new social and environmental movement, which seeks to create awareness for the protection of the planet and its inhabitants. But what does the project involve exactly? 

REUCSE was created as an environmental movement with the main goal of preserving natural spaces, especially our seas and oceans. From the moment it began, REUCSE has focused on actions that raise awareness within the community about a change towards more responsible policy. 

As part of its goal to “work together to protect the ocean and its inhabitants”, REUCSE actively collects funding to organise clean-up campaigns, establish educational initiatives and implement recycling methods aimed at the conservation and recovery of our oceans and marine life. 

Currently, REUCSE is involved in five campaigns for picking up materials from natural spaces. Once all the materials have been collected from the clean-ups organised at the various locations, the recycling process begins. 

Enrique claims that recycling is the soul of REUCSE. It allows them to give new life to the plastic collected from our oceans and natural spaces while also reducing the production of new plastic. Moreover, REUCSE makes high quality recycled granules, threads and filaments available to all brands and factories to meet the demand for their future products. This helps them to organise future clean-ups, bringing their goal to a full circle. 

REUCSE has set itself the primary goal of taking 25,000 kg of rubbish out of the ocean and seaways before 2035. 

If you would like more information about REUCSE, you can find it by visiting their website.