The Official College of Telecommunications Engineers publishes an article by Natalia Molinero

The Official College of Telecommunications Engineers has published an article by Natalie about the environmental impact of the main broadcasters in Spain and the measures they are taking. Natalia makes it clear in her article that we need to make use of the algorithms that she explains and implements in her projects. 

Natalia Molinero, one of the winners of the Second Call for Singular Alumni Grants and telecommunications engineer for the company Netmetrix, has recently published an article about the carbon footprint of the main broadcasters in Spain. 

In ‘El Camino hacia una huella sostenible’ (The Road Towards A Sustainable Footprint), Natalie explains that almost 100% of today’s Spanish population uses the internet. The generation, storage and transmission/reception of all this data has huge implications for the environment given the high amount of energy power consumed and associated CO2 emissions. To explain this, Natalia tells us what measures are being taken with a view to reducing its effects and what other options exist. 

At the following link, on page 32 of 225 in the journal BIT, you can read the full article.